Thursday, 31 May 2012

Jamwala Waterfall

 Beautiful Jamwala Dhodh (waterfall) in November

Close view of Jamwala Waterfall

Water sipping through limestone of Jamwala Waterfall

Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Skenes Beach

 I am not sure about the value, but agree with the view you get from this spot

 Skenes Beach on Great Ocean Drive

Nice clean beach only natural things you can find

Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Lincoln National Park

The Lincoln National Park/Memory Cove Wilderness is a rugged coastal cliffs, sand dunes, sheltered bays, sandy beaches and much more. The park is located just 20 kilometres from Port Lincoln (3rd largest town of South Australia). The park has entry fee and also allowed camping with small camping fee. 

 Mummy Emu and 7 little chooks

  Awesome scenic view from the park

The Emu Team

Rugged Coastline of the park

 Nice clean beach for swimming (be careful, water is cold and white shark is never away!!)

 Place for surfacing in Lincoln National Park

Sleepy lizard's symbol at the entrance

And this is the real one on the road

My hubby and me

Good guess - that's my little one

Monday, 28 May 2012

Whispering wall

The Whispering Wall is is in fact the retinaining wall of the Barossa Reservoir. Built between 1899 and 1903, the dam was a revoluntionary engineering feat to its day and attacted attention forom all over the world. It is located nearby Williamstown in Barrossa Valley. 

It attracts visitors because of its unique acoustic effeccts: worlds whistperted at one side can be clearly heard at the other, more than 100 metres away.

Beautiful day and water in dam at Whispering wall 

 Architecture and engineering wonder of the world

 Small maintenance and machine area

My husband and son walking on the path of the dam

Thursday, 24 May 2012

Dholeshwar Temple

This magnigicent temple with beutiful stone carving is located on Ahmedabad - Gandhinagar Highway. Nearby river is also nice place for picnic

The biggest cat of the world

Those beautiful but dangerous eyes